OSM Survey Preparation and Execution

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ToDo List for 1-Day intro OSM Survey Concepcion

  • Need for a Laptop
  • PT: Contracts + Tesista: Recibio Simple
  • Survey site determination: 11-13 survey sites, selection based on low-medium-high walkscores, including 2-3 areas considered dangerous
  • Survey material: fieldbook, paper-maps, pencil, etc.
  • How to print survey maps? max 4h per survey site, printing with http://www.fieldpapers.org, 2 or 4 A4-sheets per site, the single sheet showing a (50m or) 100m scalebar
  • Testrun in my home area (Barrio Aguilucho) => to discuss problems/define what to survey (see below)
  • Entering data into the OSM database:
  • Using Google StreetView for dangerous areas: https://mapstreetview.com/#-k6nmk_-16rnia_7i.a_5842
  • Discuss option to use Android OSMTracker App for surveying, but problem may be later on: GPS coordinates, and requires GPX data to be imported in other program first (e.g. QGIS).
  • Give out cash for sunblock, food/drinking, suurvey material, travel to survey site

Objects to Survey / Valdidate

  • Focus on objects=destinations for walking, biking, public transit - destinations of daily errands and life (culture)
  • Idea: stay in the hood, and do not use the car
  • Note on "Businesses": no interest in destinations for cars (such as car repair, car breaks shops, petrol station) but for instance a bike shop, a bakery, etc. Note, a petrol station may be of interest if it has an ATM, and should be mapped as ATM!
  • POI Categories:
    1. Tiendas Comestibles
    2. Restaurantes
    3. Tiendas Comerciales, Servicios
    4. Cafeterias, bares, pubs
    5. Bancos, cajeros autom
    6. Parques (juego niños, con banco, min size?)
    7. Libros (biblioteca + libreria)
    8. Entrenimiento (cines, instal. deportivas, museos)
    9. Edu: Escuelas, Sala Cuna, Jardin. Infantil, Univ.
    10. Farmacioas, Hospitales, Cesfam, SAPU, etc.