Setting up walkyourplace

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Steps to Install the WalkYourPlace tool for Santiago

General prep steps

  1. create new Ubuntu 12.04 VM with LA(M)PS ( 7773, lautaro:17022)
  2. install tomcat 7 (or jetty)
  3. install GeoServer + WPS plugin
  4. install Php cURL (
    • geoserver should run on port 8080, otherwise modify "call_wps.php".
  5. install OpenTripPlanner (running on GeoNode VM ( - and compile graph with
    • Santiago OSM data
    • Santiago GTFS data
    • => test if it works
  6. install PostgreSQL + PostGIS (17032 : db: wypdb)
    • install PostgreSQL

Install for Calgary

  1. Install DBs
    • install crime DB (for the crimes, we considered 12 types of crime as listed in : weighing is in
    • install GTFS DB
  2. get Browser client code "WPSClient"
  3. get backend code
  4. test ic Calgary works

Modify code for Santiago

  1. install PyCharm to modify client code and backend code
    • GeoServer WPS location (IP/address)
    • Postgres location and access: postgis.conf
    • Tileserver location/code in client
    • remove crime calculation in
  2. deploy code:
    • client side code => install on var/www/ of apache server
    • if there are no changes: GeoProcessing Engine(s) => put in whatever folder and run ""
    • GeoServer WPS servers *.jar files => put in GeoServers */WEB-INF/lib folder (requires restart of GeoServer)
  3. Test