Cedeus DB backups

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Revision as of 13:54, 2 December 2014 by StefanS (Talk | contribs)

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How to set up Backups


To get notified about the backups via email, a/the shell script may send emails via "mailx" - i.e Nail. => see http://klenwell.com/press/2009/03/ubuntu-email-with-nail/

copy of the geonode DB

  1. create a shell script that contains the pgdump instructions - see /home/ssteinig/geonode_backup.sh on CedeusDB
  2. test if script actually works (using sudo?)
  3. create a cron-tab entry for admin/root user using "crontab -e"
    then add entry such as "00 01 * * * ssteinig /home/ssteinig/pgdbbackup.sh" to run the script daily at 1:00 am
    => when using the user "postgres" then
  4. check also if the cron is running sudo service cron status otherwise start it...