Cedeus DB backups

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How to set up Backups


To get notified about the backups via email, a/the shell script may send emails via "mailx" - i.e Nail. => see http://klenwell.com/press/2009/03/ubuntu-email-with-nail/

copy of the geonode DB

  1. create a shell script that contains the pgdump instructions - see /home/ssteinig/geonode_backup.sh on CedeusDB
  2. test if script actually works (using sudo?)
  3. create a cron-tab entry for ssteinig user using "crontab -e"
    then add entry such as "00 01 * * * /home/ssteinig/pgdbbackup.sh" to run the script daily at 1:00 am
    => when using the user "postgres" then
  4. check also if the cron is running sudo service cron status otherwise start it...
  5. to see what the cron tab contains use crontab -l