Setting up geonode

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Basic Install for GeoNode v. 2.0

This is the fast install from Quickstart. Full install instructions, including installation of PostGIS, can be found in this Admin tutorial

  1. Install from PPA in Ubuntu 12.04 -> see
    1. if Tomcat7 is not installed, do: sudo apt-get install tomcat7 (but see below in step 1.5)
    2. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:geonode/release . Note, if add-apt does not work (command not found) then do first sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
    3. sudo apt-get update
    4. check what geonode versions are available use: apt-cache showpkg geonode. When I looked there was only one version, i.e. 2.0.0+thefinal5
    5. sudo apt-get install geonode (before I could run this I had do to do sudo apt-get install libtomcat7-java so that Tomcat6 will be removed and then I could install tomcat7 - which was needed to for GeoServer - used by GeoNode. Another time I installed with Ubuntu Server as default solo OpenSSH and LAMPS (no tomcat no psql), so I could just do sudo apt-get install tomcat7)
    6. Note that the packages are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives. So they can be copied from there to another machine.
  2. Set the IP address and create a superuser (also described here:
    • sudo geonode-updateip (=> Use the real IP if you have one, and for the VM I actually used the one given by ifconfig:
    • geonode createsuperuser
    • set GeoServer ProxyURL as described in the geonode install instructions. Use user admin with geoserver.
    • If starting up Apache results in the following message: "Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName.", Then do this:
      • sudo vim /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
      • add "ServerName localhost" to the blank file (the word ServerName needs to stay as such)
      • sudo service apache2 restart
  3. When using a VM with -nat I got at this point "There was a problem loading this page - Please contact your GeoNode administrator (he may have received an email automatically if he configured it properly).". I checked what is going on with tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log. The log showed me that I should add the bridged IP to allowed hosts in Hence I did changed the corresponding line to ALLOWED_HOSTS=["*"]
  4. Import data

Read the admin docs and also OSGeo Live DVD Quickstart tutorial

Note, for assigning geoserver tomcat memory, do it for tomcat7 as described for tomcat6 (see OSGeo VM) using but in /usr/share/tomcat7/bin

Notes on installing PostGIS

install from source: see:

  • To check if postgres exists, use which psql which should return the path. Then with the path I did /usr/bin/psql --version

to retrieve the version installed.

  • So, Postgres 9.1 was installed, but when I executed "psql" I got this: psql: FATAL: role "ssteinig" does not exist
  • Hence, I first had to creating my account as a user using sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USER (got this from here).
  • Now I could create a db using createdb mygeodb, and connect via commandline with psql -d mygeodb
  • Finally I spatially enabled the db with CREATE EXTENSION postgis; and CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
  • then add a Postgres/postgis port forwarding rule for port 5432

GeoNode with external PostgreSQL DB

  • modify settings in "/etc/geonode/" (before first use of db)
  • the changes may require to run geonode syncdb --noinput --all (and perhaps a tomcat7/apache2 restart?) to sync
  • if the db contains data/layers already (e.g. geonodegisb93 > schemata > public > tables), and those should be visible again from GeoNode, then
    • each table/layer needs to be published (re-loaded) in GeoServer and
    • geonode updatelayers command needs to be run.

Accessing GeoNode - PostgreSQL

  • create user: sudo su postgres
  • and: createuser -d -E -i -l -P -r -s sstein
  • to access via terminal use psql -U sstein -d geonode -h localhost
  • to access via pgAdmin:

Some PostgreSQL commands

  • quit psql: \q
  • connecting: psql -U geonode93 -d geonodegisdb93 -h localhost -p 5432
  • listing of dbs: psql -l -p 5432<code> or <code>\l(including spec of port, as the PostGIS VM has postgres 9.1 (:9434) and 9.3 (:9432) installed)
    • or alternatively: SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false;
  • adding / removing users createuser and dropuser e.g.: dropuser geonode -p 5434 but needs to be done as "sudo su - postgres"
  • creating /removing dbs createdb and dropdb e.g.: createdb geonodegisdb93
  • listing of tables: \dt : but this will only list the table from the database currently connected to
    • to see at least something (if nothing added yet) it can also be done using: SELECT table_schema,table_name FROM information_schema.tables ORDER BY table_schema,table_name;

Testing GeoExplorer with remote WMS clients

  • a list of running GeoNode instances can be found in this email thread:
  • a server to test is , or the server from the World Food Program: (=
  • if errors occur to check what is going on run: tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log
  • if a 403 error occurs, then the list of allowed hosts needs to be modified in the /etc/geonode/ file (perhaps a "sudo service apache2 restart" is needed)
  • if a 500 error occurs, then it could be that the mapping domain => IP does not work and the DNS has to be added to the computer settings (i.e. adding the DNS to /etc/resolv.conf - but see ask-ubuntu : i edited now /etc/network/interface and ifdown/ifup eth0 => but this made me loosing the network connection !!! ...and I had to use VNC to connect to the VM again and do sudo ifup eth0 in a terminal)

Changing the GeoNode logo (GeoNode 2.0)

The original documention on how to do this is here: However, some things have changed for GeoNode v 2.0. So we have to do the following:

  • The static web documents are in /var/www/geonode/static/geonode. And CSS and images are in the subfolders /css and /img.
  • Create a new logo file. The original logo file is called logo.png and has a dimension of 127x29 px.
  • Create a subfolder in /etc/geonode/media/ => so we have now the folder /etc/geonode/media/geonode/img/
  • Make this img subfolder accessible for ftp (e.g. using chmod 777)
  • copy the new logo into the etc/.../img subfolder
  • run sudo geonode collectstatic -v0
  • this should copy the new logo image into /var/geonode/static/geonode/img/.

Changing the GeoNode Theme (GeoNode 2.0)

Change of GeoNode web page colors

See comments above... for simple change of the CSS. I actually took the bootstrap? created base.css (see also base.less) and changed the color/backgroundcolor for web page elements (see personal notes in my log-book).

Apart from that: Everything else is more complicated and requires lots of others software (bootstrap, etc):

Translation + Change of GeoNode Welcome text

GeoNode is a Django Project - well, according to Daniel they put it into package for distribution (see here). So for that reason the GeoNode Django "project" can be found under the following path /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode/locale.

To edit the text of the GeoNode welcome page, one can edit the English, Spanish, etc, locales stored under /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode/locale. However, I need to check if they should get replaced when an upgrade is performed. The translation is in .po files. Information on how to compile these files can be found here:

However, what did I do to change the german translation for the front page.

  • copy (backup first) and open /locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
  • check out in the file /templates/index.html what strings are used
  • modify the text for the corresponding language keys in django.po
  • save and cope the file to the server (ensure that you have a backup of the original!!! and use chmod to enable copying)
  • compile the changed language file using: compilemessages -l de or: geonode compilemessages
  • perhaps do a sudo service apache2 restart?
  • now check if the german text changed.

Note, for a new language file, e.g. Chile Spanish one would create the template po files using: makemessages -l es_cl or: sudo geonode makemessages -l es_cl first. (I think so ;)

GeoNode Settings

ToDo: check for settings that still need to be adjusted for a running system: