MacOSX Users Short Installation Guide
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1 - Download the version from the main page that is also for Win and Linux
- e.g. the version the latest version is:
2 - Check if Java needs to be installed
- Java is installed if you find in >Applications>Utilities> a Java Preferences app. If you don't have Java installed you can get if from Apple Support Page, e.g.:
3 - Install and Start OpenJUMP HoRAE
- unzip/uncompress it by double click on the downloaded file
- go into the created folder "openjump_horae" (in my case created on the desktop) and further into the /bin/ directory
- then start it by clicking on file
loading may actually take a while...
4 - Testing
- go to menu File>Open File... browse to where the OpenJUMP folder was generated during "uncompress" and further to the "testdata" folder. Select the file "gb_tracking_sampledata.jml"
- you can get a Kernel density raster for this dataset using from the main menu MOVEAN>HRE>Point KD> Point Kernel Density
- in the new dialog you will see that h_ref for the dataset is calculated with 4027.7m. Hence, in the "Distance (h,..)" field set "4000".
- set the "Cell Size" to "200" (i.e. 200m)
- press "ok"
- select/click on the newly generated raster layer (in the layer tree)
- now chose from the menu MOVEAN>HRE>Create Probablity Contours from Raster
- for the 95% contour simply click "ok" - and a new layer with the 95% Home Range Polygon is return
- You can save the home range polygon(s) by "ctrl" & mouse click on the layer name and choosing "Save Dataset As...". Select a location (e.g. the desktop) and the file format (jml or ESRI shp), and type the file name or keep the default name given (= Layer name). However, you should remove the "." of "0.95" in the file name to avoid problems later when trying to load the file(s). Click "ok".
However, let me (Stefan) know if things don't work. So I can try and fix it. Btw. in the example above you did load points stored in a "jml" file. But points stored in *.shp (shapefile format) will work too. JML is just a simpler (GML) format of OpenJUMP.